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Love Him with your all

4.Listen, people of Israel! The Lord is our God. The Lord is the only God. 5.You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:4‭-‬5 As Christians, one of the most important things we must do, is to Love The Lord with our all. Before we can love Him however, we must first recognize only Him as God.

The first part of the scripture above emphasizes God’s oneness. In context, it doesn't mean unity among people. It simply means that there is only one God; it stresses God’s uniqueness. Uniqueness means a state in which there is no equal. Although many gods may exist, only one is to be our God.

Once we are able to fully understand this, we must love our God. Note that the scripture didn't urge us to try to love Him. It specifically said we must. This means that we have no choice but to love Him. He is one and unique and so we must not love any other god but Him.

The scripture also specifies how we must love The One and Only God. We must love Him with all our heart, soul and strength. We must love Him with our all, at all times. This is a must and not a choice.


Heavenly Father, I recognize You alone as God and I love you with my all.

Reference Scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:4-5.

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