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Empty Thyself And Be Filled

"For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace." John 1:16

When God wanted to fill Papa Abraham with His blessings and promises, He ordered him to leave his father's house and go to a place He would show him. Note that Abraham's perceived destination is unknown so he can't be sure of how much to take. Starting his life with nothing was really a hard thing to do. The poor widow has to empty her flour pot and the last remnant of her oil to feed the prophet of God in order for her to be filled with an overflow of oil and flour (1 King 17:7-16). At the time of offering, the poor widow emptied everything she had (her last penny) in order to build and manage the kingdom business. When the rich man asked Jesus about how he could inherit the kingdom of God, He instructed him "go and sell all your possessions." (Matthew 19:21). You can't the filled when you are already full. We have been praying constantly for the pouring of the Holy Spirit on us, yet you're filled with greed, unforgiving, jealousy, evil thoughts, and all kinds of ungodliness. Until you empty yourself, there's no way you can be filled. God wants people who are willing to be emptied, people who are willing to give everything they have for Him, for their fellow humans, for their communities, and for their churches.


Lord Jesus, help me to empty myself so You can fill me up. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: 1 King 17:7-16, Matthew 19:21.

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