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Rely on The Lord

I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you'll bear much fruits. Without me, you can do nothing. 

John 15:5 Before we came to know Christ, we used to try and do things with our own strength, and most of the time, we weren't able to accomplish them. This is because, our strength is not enough. If we will be honest with ourselves, we can boldly say that, since we've come to know Christ, certain things come to us more easily than before. That is the strength of the Lord that beholds us. As the Bible says, as long as we abide in the lord, and He in us, we will bear much fruits. Fruits which include the fruits of the spirit; love, kindness, self control and the others. But also being able to do some physical things that we were not able to do in the past. The Bible clearly states that without the Lord, we can do nothing. So why even try to do anything on your own? How far do you think you will get? Instead of wasting your time and energy on something that probably won't bear much fruit without the Lord, try abiding in the Lord and see what happens. Our Lord is not a man that He should lie, whatever His word says will surely come to pass. He's waiting for us to rely on Him, so that he can use his mighty strength to support us. The Lord is ready to help you if you are. Rely on Him today! Prayer Lord Jesus, forgive me for using my own strength in the past thinking I could achieve much. Help me to rely on you in everything I do. This I ask in Jesus's name I pray. Amen! 

Reference Scripture: John 15:5.

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