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‘’See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.’’ Isaiah 43:19.

The Israelites in our text had great spiritual experiences throughout their history. From the first Passover, to the crossing of the Red Sea, to the conquering of the land of Canaan, to the building of the temple, they had seen the hand of God at work in and through their lives. Yet, they sinned and went into captivity in Babylon for lack of faith in God. They needed a new vision and assurance of what God could do. then, God promised to do new things for them.

Like the Israelites, many of us have made many mistakes and have experienced many setbacks and failures as a result. Sometimes, we allow these mistakes, setbacks and failures to enslave us to the point that we never enjoy the full Christian life as going forward looks very much like a complex game of chess.

Forget the past because today marks a new season of upload of great divine blessings into your life and ministry. God created the four seasons that based on the rotation of the Earth as it orbits the sun. The seasons change as the earth moves, but the sun remains constant and everything that revolves around it. Much like the earth, if our lives revolve around the Son, Jesus Christ who remains constant yesterday, today and forever, changes will occur as we enter and exist many seasons. He is able to transform the desert areas of our lives into fields of blessings and abundance. It’s a new season, God will do new things for us.


Father Lord, I pray that you will turn every desert in my life into fields of abundance and help me revolve my life around you in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Isaiah 43:19

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