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Don't make comparisons

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Marvelous are Your works" - Psalm 139:14

Have you ever found yourself wishing that you had the attributes or qualities your fellow man possessed? Of course, it's natural to do that right? However, that's a common mistake we all make.

God took time to create each person in a unique way. He made us fearfully and wonderfully. As He molded the dust of the earth to form us, He did so with extreme care. For each person, He molded with special dust, and into each person, He breathed a new breath. Why then should one person compare himself to another? That's like comparing a shirt with a bicycle. Meaningless right? Exactly, because they are two completely different things, just as each person is a completely different entity.

Isn't that mind blowing though? God created billions of many different people. No two people will ever be the same, not even identical twins, so stop comparing yourself to someone else. You rather downplay the awesomeness of God's handiwork when you do so. Instead, appreciate yourself for who God made you to be, recognizing that He has an amazing plan for you, just as He does for the other person you might compare yourself to.


Lord Jesus, I thank You for wonderfully creating me. Help me to always recognize that I am special in Your eyes. Amen!

Reference Scripture: Psalm 139:14

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