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He Will accomplish It

The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Your lovingkindness, O Lord, is everlasting;Do not forsake the works of Your hands.

Psalm 138:8 Most a times when we seek the face of God for something, and that something seems to be taking too long, we begin to think that God has forgotten about us. We begin to murmur, and if we are not lucky, our faith begins to shift from God to seek different opinions else where. But you see, our God is a God of order, an on-time God, who is never too late or early. Everything He does, He does in His own appointed time which He knows will be the best for His children. Trust me when I say our God knows us better that we know ourselves. He knows what is good for us and what might harm us. Nevertheless, when we fervently seek His face for something, He definitely accomplishes in His own time. That time might not be the time we may want it, but that time will definitely be the perfect time for us. What is it that you are waiting on God for, that you are starting to believe He can’t do? What burden are you carrying that the Lord cannot give you rest? His word says to come to Him all who are heavy burden, and He will give you rest. There’s nothing too hard for The Lord to do. Don’t give up asking. At the appropriate and appointed time, The Lord Himself will show up. Our Lord who began it (Who brought us into this world for a purpose) will accomplish it. Look to Him alone and He will give you the desires of your heart. He has done it for me, and He will do it for you as well. Prayer Lord, help me to trust in Your timing for my life, to accomplish every good thing you’ve started in Jesus’s name! Amen

Reference Scripture: Psalm 138:8

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