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Challenges I will face when I practice Love and how to deal with them [Day 5]

Love helps us by giving our lives meaning. If we are without someone to love or love us, we have very little to live for. But sometimes, you can be taking advantage of by showing too much love.

People might take your kindness for weakness. You being a loving person will cause you to see the best in people but not everyone will treat you how you treat them.

Sometimes you don't receive the love that you give out back. The love might not be reciprocated. Some people might hate you because of your Love or positive attitude.

The only thing we can do is to keep loving people how Christ loves us and let people see Christ in us, and maybe that may change the way they view love and us as well. Also, we can teach people about God's love and that may change their view on life.

Discussion Questions: 1. What are some challenges you have experienced while showing love to others?

2. How have you dealt with these challenges?

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