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Love (Summary and Prayer) [Day 6]

Love is one of the most profound emotions we experience as humans. It’s bigger than us, meaning, though we can invite it into our lives, we do not have the control over the how, when, and where love starts to express itself.

Why is love so important? Because God is love. It’s His very nature. And those of us who say we’re His children are to display the same nature. Love should be practiced according to the Corinthians' terms. Anyone who is lucky enough to be loved and love others should not take such a precious aspect for granted.

In any relationship, Be patient and remain calm. We are given an example of what true love is in the bible. Jesus being love laid down his life for our sins which is the utmost love anyone can show. Jesus showed us a true way to love and be Christ like.

Sometimes you don't receive the love that you give out back. The love might not be reciprocated. Some people might hate you because of your Love or positive attitude. The only thing we can do is keep loving people how Christ love us and let people see Christ in us and maybe that may change the way they view love and us as well.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I praise You for being the God who embodies and demonstrates perfect love. Please teach us to love You more fully for who You are and all You’ve done and continue to do for us. And then teach us to love others as You do, unconditionally, unreservedly, and freely. Make us a people whose sole motivation for all we do is love for You and for mankind. Amen!

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