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Patience [Day 1]

Patience is a quality that many Christians overlook. Patience is when someone shows great endurance through all kinds of trials, annoyances, or provocations. What kind of trial does a Christian have to face in order to be called patient? Anything, really but it has to be some kind of adversity or a challenge.

Patience is a fruit of The Spirit and we can only possess it through the power and work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Patience is when you are able to live in the face of adversity. It is very important for every Christian to possess this quality.

The Holy spirit embraces those who are patient. Just as faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen, patience is the acceptance that there is a reason to wait for things that might not have been promised.

What does that mean? For instance, when you pray, often times you must have the patience that God is going to answer in due time. God didn't guarantee for sure that He will answer our prayers however, He does hear it. He only answers our prayers when He knows we are in dire need of what we have asked for.

Even most of the time, God does exceedingly above what we can think to ask for. Therefore, when you wait on the Lord, regardless of the trials, annoyances, or provocations that you are facing, you indeed show patience.

Write It: What can you do to be more patient?

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