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Patience [Day 5]

There are many challenges that come along with being patient. We as humans have a strong desire for instant gratification but we do not want to wait for it. Why do we not want to wait? We don't want to wait because many a time we think that we could rather be doing something rather than waiting on the LORD. For example, Job could have cursed God just as his wife had told him to. He could have taken advice from the people around him to curse God and just die but Job chose not to. Why? Why did Job choose to withstand so much agony when he could have just done as his friends and wife said? Job didn't desire instant gratification. It is written in the Scriptures, man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4) You might be wondering, why would this be included in a topic about patience? This scripture reading shows how much Job didn't care about having his needs met, he did not live by the bread that God supplied him and his entire family. If he lived by bread alone, it would have been easy for him to lose patience with God and give up on God. Rather, Job lived off of the word of God which is what pulled him through in the end. Furthermore, the message this is trying to convey is that do not live off of the material things of this world because they are not here to stay. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is here to stay. We struggle with having to wait for satisfaction or having to wait for our needs to be answered, but the LORD is saying that do not live off of material things or else patience will really be a struggle. He is telling us that regardless of how long we will have to wait, he will surely answer us. To deal with these challenges we must first pray that our faith multiplies to the point where we can freely submit ourselves to the LORD without a care for material things. When we are able to see beyond the things of this world, we are able to practice patience better because there is a bigger picture. He is someone worth waiting for. Amen! Write It: What should be done when we feel we cannot wait any longer 

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