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(Hebrews 11: 1)’’Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’’

You might have probably heard of the word ‘faith’ over a hundred times. It is one of the requirements of our walk with God in Christianity. Without this faith, it is impossible to please the Lord. So, for that reason—because faith is very essential to our personal relationship with God—it’s vital for us to have a good handle on the full meaning of biblical faith.

Faith means believing and trusting in God. With this, we have full assurance that God means what He says, He keeps His promises and that He is in control of every situation. The Bible also says that the only way we can see God is through the eyes of faith. Because faith plays such a vital role in our relationships with God, it’s important that we each exercise and engage our faith to develop a deeper, stronger, more active faith in the God we love.


Lord Jesus, I thank you for your word today. I pray that you will increase my faith and help me not put my trust in any man but you alone Lord. I thank you for the answered prayer for in Jesus’ name I’ve prayed. AMEN!

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