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Hebrews 11:7[ By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.]

The Bible says Noah spent 120 years building an ark, all because he trusted God’s promise to destroy everything on the earth with a flood. During that time, all Noah’s neighbor laughed at him. But Noah gave up. Would your faith have survived such a test of time and hardship?

The acronym ‘faith’ is Full Assurance In Trusting Him (God). Unfortunately, some people do not understand what faith is or how to put it into practice. It only takes a little faith to move mountains, but these mountains become unmovable when we don’t exercise our faith.

Exercise that faith and see the hand of God in your life. The power of faith will help to strengthen your confidence in God’s promises. And it will prepare you for those times when the Lord calls upon you to move mountains.


Lord Jesus, I thank you for your word today. I pray that you will increase my faith and help me to know you more in Jesus’ name.

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