Proverbs 3;5-8 [Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.]
The Bible verse is encouraging us to put all our trust and hope in God. Everybody falls sometimes and when you do, you need to find the strength to rise from the ashes and make a new beginning. God is the giver of life and the source our strength and without Him there is nothing we can do.
Even in our darkest moment when we feel like the sky is falling on us, God expects us to have the kind of hope that does not end. It doesn’t matter what you have heard, impossible is not a word, it’s just a reason for someone not to try. Keep all your hopes and trust in the Lord and keep on believing that it shall be well even when there seems to be no way out.
When we overcome the odds, silent prayers get answered, broken hearts become brand new, and miracles just happen. This is what faith in God can do. Anytime we lean on our strength and understanding without faith in God, the result is always a disaster.
Faith is the greatest weapon that a Christian can have in these difficult times.
Father, I pray that you will always strengthen my faith in You and help men not lean on my own understanding but you alone. Amen. Â