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Making a Conscience Effort [Self Control Day 3]

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 1 Corinthians 9:25

One of the gifts of The Spirit is self control. The Holy Spirit gives it to us once we receive Him and make Him our helper. The crazy thing is, even with the Holy Spirit, self control is one of the hardest things to put into practice. It seems so small yet so hard and almost impossible to put into practice. Our sinful passions make it all the more difficult for Christians to practice self control. But we serve a living God who makes all things possible as long as we rely on Him.

Self control is one of those things we continuously practice to become great at. We teach ourselves in hopes of passing when the real life test comes. The thing with disciplining ones self is that it doesn't happen over night. It takes hard work and dedication. Give yourself time to develop this trait and ask the Holy Spirit constantly to help you.

There are so many ways we can put this trait into practice in our daily lives. For example instead of sitting on social media for hours on end you could use that time to study the bible, pray, study for school, ponder ideas, etc. Instead of getting angry right away when someone offends you, say a prayer or count to ten to keep calm. Instead of choosing to sleep excessively, learn to use that time for more important things.

These are some of the ways we can put self control into practice. It takes making a conscience effort to put some actions into play and therefore yielding great results. We can do all things through Christ! And self control is one of those things we can constantly work and improve upon for our own benefit.

Father God help to put self control into practice. May I always strive to exercise it no matter the circumstances I face. In Jesus's Name! Amen!

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