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Believing God for Miracles in 2018

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

John 14:12

Often times we hear the word believe and we think about faith. Indeed, the term refers to the process of showing complete faith in something or to be totally convinced of something. When you believe in something or someone, you totally rely upon them and put your trust in them.

Each individual has the ability to either believe or to doubt. However, if you're reading this, I encourage you to believe in God, especially in the year 2018. There are many reasons why I say this, but the one I will focus on in this blog is this: once you totally believe God, you become an applicant for miracles. You begin to witness supernatural wonders on your behalf.

In the words of Jesus Christ, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." (Mark 9:23). If you believe God in this upcoming year, He will perform miracles in your life. Period. God is willing to bless you from His supernatural dominion, but you won't receive such blessings if you don't believe.

Each individual needs a miracle at certain critical moments in their life. Miracles are extraordinary occurrences which God divinely performs in our affairs. They are unexplainable supernatural events which happen beyond our natural ability or power. In 2017, you probably encountered moments where you tried everything possible and still did not yield desirable outcomes. Times came when you did everything possible within your means, but that still wasn't enough.

In the year 2018, you want to believe The Lord for miracles in such situations. You want to extend your faith in Him and watch Him work wonders on your behalf. Over the years I have personally seen God perform numerous miracles in my life, and knowing that our God never changes, I entreat you to believe in Him in 2018 and become a candidate for supernatural miracles.

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